Published 26 February 2020Would you like to get involved in a humanitarian and artistic adventure?
The Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain is pleased to propose to his former artists to take part in the project Demain’s Volunteers #3!

This program offers you to be a volunteer artist in one of the social circus schools partners of the project for a period of 6 to 8 weeks (flexible).
Once there, you will participate in the activities of the school by teaching in community workshops and in the master classes of your speciality.

- • CIRCO PARA TODOS ➤ Colombia;
- • ZIP ZAP CIRCUS SCHOOL ➤ South Africa;
- • PHARE CIRCUS ➤ Cambodia.
The program fully covers:
• the travel and insurance costs;
• the online training from the École Nationale de Cirque in Montreal (partner of the project);
• food and accommodation.
The host school is in charge of food and lodging. The remaining costs will be covered with a crowdfunding campaign that we have launched on HelloAsso. ➤ Click HERE for further information.
With Demain’s Volunteers we are hoping we can get the two circus communities, social and professional, closer together in order to contribute to the inspirational actions developed by social circus on a global scale.
If you are interested and you want to know more about this program and the possibilities of participation, please fill out the APPLICATION FORM and send it back to us before the 15 April 2020.
Please indicate in your mail the edition you’ve played at the Festival.
Thanks in advance for your interest.